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Drawing up solid and naturally distinctive proposals is essential for securing the funding needed to accomplish artistic and cultural projects. This training session will provide core resources and allow you to share effective strategies, practices and actions to meet the conditions for obtaining public and private financial support, taking into account the conditions required.

During the training session, participants will be guided to identify the fundamental steps to take in a complex and demanding process, understand the respective phases and respond to the eligibility criteria. Techniques for building realistic budgets and detailed work plans that demonstrate the viability and relevance of projects will be covered. In addition, strategies for engaging potential private patrons and sponsors will be discussed, ranging from the use of networking to persuasive communication and the development of strategic partnerships. Participants will be equipped with the basics to design attractive proposals that highlight the mutual benefits of collaboration and demonstrate the project's positive impact on the community and society as a whole. Using study examples, practical exercises and exchanges of experience, this course will provide participants with the methodology and essential tools to develop cultural, original, relevant and sustainable proposals with a high probability of obtaining the appropriate financial support.

This is an original training, conceived by APORFEST - Associação Portuguesa Festivais de Música, which was awarded the FORMA-TE PRIZE (Creativity and Innovation in Training) at the 2nd National Professional Training Congress held at ISCTE in 2015.

Skills to be acquired
a) Referencing the Cultural Sector: Understanding the local, regional and national cultural scene, trends, demands and challenges.
b) Objective-orientated writing: knowing how to demonstrate the logic and added value of the project in writing, effectively communicating the importance and impact of the proposed cultural project.
c) Project Planning and Management: Ability to develop detailed plans for the cultural project, including gathering relevant data on the target audience, cultural needs of the community, potential funders and their funding policies, timelines, budgets and implementation strategies, as well as management skills to ensure effective implementation.
d) Budgeting and financial sustainability: Understand the basic principles of budgeting, presenting and effectively managing the project's financial resources. Develop effective project impact assessment methods and accountability reports for funders, demonstrating how resources have been used and what results have been achieved. Keep in mind the basic architecture and requirements of the process for obtaining public and private funding.
e) Networking and interpersonal relationships: understanding the need and critical path for building and maintaining solid relationships with potential funders, project partners, community members and other stakeholders.
f) Marketing and Promotion: understanding the need to articulate marketing and promotion actions with the project strategy, to increase visibility and attract financial support.
g) Creativity and Innovation: know some guidelines for thinkin
g creatively and innovatively when designing cultural projects that stand out and attract the interest of funders and the public.

Step 1 - The Need and the Idea. A starting point.
Step 2 - Building the project. The Functionality Test (innovation, responsiveness, buy-in and concrete results, sustainability)
Step 3 - The ability to attract support. Responding to the requirements of funders (public, private, national, European)


a) Presentation of contents
b) Reference to practical examples of events
c) Carrying out practical exercises to apply the content

Carlos Mezes
With a degree in Business Organisation and Management and a Bachelor's degree in Economics from the Instituto Superior de Ciências e Trabalho da Empresa (ISCTE), Carlos Mezes has extensive experience as a manager in various companies and entities in various sectors. In recent years, he has stood out as a Senior Consultant, trainer and mentor, supporting many companies and organisations in most economic sectors, from micro and SMEs to large companies, working especially on investment projects and applications, marketing and in the area of strategy and management control. Since 2013, he has worked with start-ups and new projects in multiple areas of activity. He has supported the development and implementation of national and international social projects. He has been a lecturer and trainer at the Escola Superior de Design, Marketing e Publicidade (IADE), Marketing Degree, where he taught Marketing Strategy, Marketing Planning and Marketing Auditing, at the Institute of Business Management, at the Future Business Academy. He is a certified trainer. He is part of the Significado team.

6 hours
[9h30-11h30; 12h00-13h00; 14h00-16h00; 16h30-17h30]

Available Slots

Admission requirements*
a) Minimum 12th grade qualification or equivalent and/or professional experience in the sector
b) Send a Curriculum Vitae and Letter of Motivation to join the course

* a valid Talkfest ticket is required for registration.

* Prior registration required, must send admission requirements and proof of access to

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