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Room 1

09h25 | 09h30

Abertura Formal

Official Opening

09h30 | 10h30 [Roundtable]

Novas estratégias para que o público permaneça mais tempo nas salas de espetáculo e recinto dos festivais

New strategies to make the public stay longer within venues and festival grounds


The events and festivals sector is constantly changing and there is an increasing need to monetise operations and build public loyalty during the event itself in a way that is perceived as positive for the event. It's no longer enough to have an idolised artist on the poster, but rather reasons to differentiate an event/festival from the competition. Ticketing and seating techniques, public flow layout, where to incorporate the catering area or put in parallel activities that entertain the public are seen as priorities in festival management.


Ana Teresa Ventura (M de Música - Journalist)


André Pinto Anacleto (Manager Accreditation - Web Summit, Meo Kalorama, Iminente)

Francisco Mello e Castro (Santos no Tejo - Marketing & Events Director)

Helder Sucena (Jogos do Helder - Director)

Paulo Silver (Revenge of the 90’s - Director)

Sérgio Noronha (Teacher / Music Marketing - Freelancer)

10h30 | 11h30 [Roundtable]

Inteligência Artificial e Cultura: tempos novos. O que vai mudar para o artista, promotor, media e para o público?

Artificial Intelligence and Culture: new times. What will change for the artists, promotor, media and the public?


In the contemporary scenario, the convergence between artificial intelligence and culture is profoundly redefining the role of the artist, cultural promoter, the media and the public. This debate will explore the implications of these changes, addressing key issues such as algorithm-driven artistic creation, the impact of automation on cultural production, the role of algorithms in content curation and distribution, as well as transformations in the audience experience. By investigating these themes, we will reflect on how artificial intelligence is shaping the future of cultural expression, the dynamics of the creative industry and the interactions between creators and consumers of art and entertainment. Join us for a provocative and insightful analysis of the "new times" that artificial intelligence is bringing.


Ana Teresa Ventura (M de Música - Journalist)


Ana Rita Painho  (Sérvulo Associados - Intellectual Property Lawyer)

Carlos Fiolhais (PHD Physics)

Luís Baptista (Nox) (Fuse - CEO & Founder)

Mizzy Miles (DJ/Producer)

Pedro Mafama  (Music Artist)

Valete (Music Artist)

11h30 | 12h00 [Break]

12h00 | 13h00 [Roundtable]

Mundo novo pós 2020 e novas marcas associadas a festivais. Como criar conexão com o público no festival e após o mesmo?

A new world after 2020 and the new branding associated to festivals. How to create a connection with the public at the festival and afterwards?


As we emerge from a period of unprecedented change and challenges, music festivals have taken on an even more significant role as spaces for celebration, connection and renewal. This debate aims to explore how the brands associated with these festivals have changed the way they engage with audiences, not only onsite but also beyond their usually annual programme. We want to examine innovative strategies for engaging audiences in this new world, where expectations and priorities have evolved.


Ana Teresa Ventura (M de Música - Journalist)


António Gomes (Music Mov - Booking Agent / Manager / Promoter)

Bruno Lindoso (Zig.Fun - International CEO)

João Pinho (Press Link - Director)

Júnior Ribeiro (NewGang Festival - Director)

Márcia Santos (Brunch Electronik Lisboa - Producer)

13h00 | 14h00 [Break]

14h00 | 15h00 [Roundtable]

Custos na produção de eventos – como combater a inflação?

Costs in Event Production - how to fight inflation?


Event production faces constant financial challenges, especially nowadays with inflation and a faster pace in economic fluctuations. This debate brings together professionals from the events industry - promoters and those responsible for audiovisual organisations - the two poles where these costs are most affected in the chains associated with a festival. The main factors contributing to rising costs in event production will be discussed, from venue hire to the supply of equipment and services and competition between doors and at a global level, encouraging the sharing of experiences and lessons learnt from recent years.


Ana Teresa Ventura (M de Música - Journalist)


João Magalhães (Frontal 360 - COO)

Jorge Figueiredo (Digital Frame - Director)

José Diogo (Lisb-on #Jardim Sonoro - Director)

Terry Costa (Cordas World Music Festival - Artistic Director)

Vasco Barbosa (Boom Festival - Co-director)

15h00 | 16h00 [Roundtable]

Concertos especiais em nome próprio vs. Concertos em festivais – como surpreender e fidelizar o público?

Special concerts vs Concerts in Festivals - how to surprise and build loyalty with the public?


In an increasingly dynamic and competitive musical context, artists and event organisers face the challenge of standing out and creating memorable experiences for their audiences. This debate will explore the different approaches between special solo concerts and festival performances, and how both can surprise and retain audiences. In this panel, we've brought together established artists, event promoters and specialists in hiring and spotting musical talent. We'll explore how special/commemorative concerts (e.g. end of tour show, orchestral concerts) offer a unique opportunity for artists to connect deeply with their audiences, creating intimate and personalised experiences that leave a lasting impression. On the other hand, we’ll examine how festivals provide an atmosphere of collective celebration, offering a wide range of artists and experiences that captivate a diverse audience and where there is more room to introduce oneself to new audiences and, likewise, for the audience to be captivated by something unexpected.


Ana Teresa Ventura (M de Música - Journalist)


Alex D’Alva Teixeira (Music Artist)

Eduardo Jordão (Festival Artes à Vila - Director)

João Pedro Pais (Music Artist)

Joana Alegre (Music Artist)

Paola Wescher (Last Tour - Talent Booking)

Tito Santana (Luna Fest - Director)

16h00 | 16h30 [Break]

16h30 | 17h30 [Roundtable]

A Democracia na Cultura e as suas Pluralidades

Democracy in Culture and its Pluralities

Powered by Fundação INATEL


Culture is a mirror of society, reflecting its different voices, perspectives and identities. At the centre of this cultural mosaic is democracy, a principle that seeks to guarantee the participation and representation of all. This debate sets out to explore the role of democracy in culture and how cultural pluralities enrich and challenge our contemporary society. In a year commemorating the 50th anniversary of the 25th of April (The Carnation Revolution in Portugal), this is a theme to check what has been achieved in different artistic disciplines (behind and in front of the stage) - e.g. music, theatre, cinema or television.

In the end, this debate aims to inspire concrete actions to strengthen cultural democracy in our communities, recognising it as one. Come and join this enriching conversation about how to build more inclusive, just and vibrant societies through the transformative power of culture and democracy.    


Carlos Seixas (Artistic Director and Music Programmer)


Diogo Infante (Actor and Artistic Director)

Diogo Varela Silva (Director, Filmmaker and Producer)

João Morais – O Gajo (Musician)

Luís Varatojo (Musician and Music Producer)

17h30 | 18h00 [Interview]

O Boom da Cena Eletrónica

The boom of the electronic scene


Music festivals have been growing over the last decade. We note the trend of electronic music festivals having managed to change a stigma from the 90s and early 2000s and are now trending festivals, being revolutionary in audiovisuals, image and communication as well as in valuing the DJs in their lineup and in the comfort of their public. Electronics reached the masses, crossed generations and is accepted by the media.

Moderator: Gary Smith (Journalist - Amsterdam Dance Event)

Speaker: Loic Le Joliff (Brunch Electronik / OffSónar - Founder)

18h00 | 18h30 [Interview]

Controle de interesses: porque é que 1999 foi o ano mais importante na história da indústria discográfica

Controlling Interests: Why 1999 Was The Most Important Year In The Record Industry’s History


The year 1999 changed the history of music and, consequently, festivals. If until then, artists made a living from their recordings, from then on they began to depend on live performances. The dependence on the internet, pirated copies and the way the music industry was done is today a story because in 20 years everything has changed. The motto for this interview led to a book by the interviewee.

Moderator: Gary Smith (Journalist - Amsterdam Dance Event)

Speaker: Eamonn Forde (Music business writer - Author)

FESTIVALS LEGAL FORUM Powered by Cuatrecasas

Room 2

10h30 | 11h30 [Roundtable]
Contratos, obrigações e envolvimento legal entre patrocinador e promotor de um festival

Contracts, obligations and legal involvement between festival sponsors and promoters


A contract between a sponsor, partner or even naming sponsor and a festival promoter establishes the obligations and legal involvement of both parties. In this contract, the sponsor agrees to provide financial support, products or services in exchange for visibility and association with the event, while the promoter undertakes to offer specific counterparts in exchange for this support. In Portugal, this issue is even more important because of the dependence on this support for festivals to make a profit. The debate will be attended by legal experts and professionals from different parts of the sector who are interested in optimising these processes.


Sónia Queiróz Vaz (Cuatrecasas - PI & TMT Lawyer)


Ana Costa Teixeira (Cuatrecasas - PI & TMT Lawyer)
Ana Carolina Carvalho (Rock in Rio - Partnerships Manager)
Eunice Cecílio (MOP - Account Director)

José Rafael Rodrigues (ABA Banda de Alcobaça Associação de Artes - Vice-President)
Paulo Sousa Martins (Locomotiva Azul - Director)

12h00 | 13h00 [Roundtable]

Sustentabilidade – nova legislação associada a eventos. O que fazer para cumprir e não encarecer as operações neste setor

Sustainability - new legislations associated with events. What to do to uphold them and keep costs low in this sector


A festival can have various environmental impacts, such as greenhouse gas emissions, waste production, excessive energy consumption and water use. A study carried out in 2023 by the Sustainable ESTGOH project, supported by the Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra, reveals that 82 per cent of festival goers consider it important or very important that a festival is environmentally sustainable and 33 per cent consider this criteria when choosing a festival.

With the growing concern for sustainability, new requirements associated with events are being implemented to guarantee more sustainable practices, particularly at festivals, which are popular points of communication. In order to fulfill these requirements, promoters are faced with the difficulty of knowing what sustainability is and what their obligations are in this regard, as well as the concern not to increase operating costs or pass that cost onto their audience. The debate will include legal experts and professionals from the various sectors who are interested in optimising these processes.


Marisa Mirador (Cuatrecasas - Public Law Lawyer)


Ana Cortez das Neves (Senior Engineer Environment / Waste Management Expert)

Artur Mendes (Boom Festival - Co-director)

Catarina Pinto Xavier (Cuatrecasas - Public Law Lawyer)

Dora Palma (Rock in Rio, The Town, Meo Kalorama - Head of Sustainability)

Érica Liberato (Ecoprogresso – Senior Engineer Environment / Expert Sustainability)

14h30 | 15h30 [Roundtable]

Desafios em termos de Impostos e fiscalização para o setor dos festivais de música

Challenges related to taxes and fiscalization for the music festivals sector


The music festival sector faces a number of challenges in terms of tax and fiscalization, some of which include: Complex Tax Regimes; Variety of Taxes; Fiscalization and Compliance and Evolving Legislation. As this sector is made up of small teams where legal specialisation is done through experts, it becomes difficult to obtain a solid understanding of the laws and compliance with tax obligations (just by not being up to date on information) on a day-to-day basis. The debate will include legal experts, lecturers and professionals from different parts of the sector who are interested in optimising these processes. In terms of taxes, the focus will also be on tax compliance issues (IRS/IRC and VAT).


Sónia Queiróz Vaz (Cuatrecasas - PI & TMT Lawyer)


Ana Helena Farinha (Cuatrecasas - Fiscal Lawyer)

Fernando Belo (Sons no Montijo - Director)

Jorge Dias (Festival Ponte d’Lima - Executive Producer)

José Maria Pires (ISEG - Accounting, Auditing and Taxation Professor)

Karla Campos (Cooljazz / Live Experiences - Director)

Mário Correia (Setúbal Municipality / Feira de Sant’iago - Executive Director)

16h30 | 17h30 [Roundtable]

Licenciamentos públicos de recintos outdoor e comunicações prévias: intervenção dos municípios, plano de segurança/emergência

Public licensing of outdoor venues and previous communication: municipality intervention, safety/emergency measures


Holding a festival requires a multitude of municipal licences/prior communications (licences for improvised venues, licences for occupation of public space and advertising; special noise licences, prior communication for non-sedentary food and drink activities, etc.) and the payment of associated fees. One of the essential aspects to be guaranteed in this context is the safety of people and goods, through the safety and emergency plan and the connection and optimisation of processes between the entities involved (e.g. municipalities, private security, civil protection, GNR/PSP, firefighters).

The debate will include legal experts and professionals who are involved in the various aspects of the sector (either as licensing bodies, promoters or service providers) and who are interested in optimising these processes.


Marisa Mirador (Cuatrecasas - Public Law Lawyer)


Carlos Nogueira (WiseSafety - CEO)

Carlos Oliveira (SMA – Private Security - Director)

Pedro Cardoso (Expofacic / Cantanhede Municipality - Director / Vice-president)

Rita Bastos Ramalho (Cuatrecasas – Administrative Law Lawyer)

Rui Penetra (Carnaval de Torres Vedras / Promotorres - President)

17h30 | 18h30 [Roundtable]

Obrigatoriedades e legislação a cumprir pelos eventos e festivais em Portugal

Mandatory measures and legislation that must be uphold by festivals in Portugal


In Portugal, events and festivals are subject to various obligations and legislation to ensure safety, compliance with regulations and the well-being of participants. Licensing (e.g. municipal licences, noise, occupation of public space, shows and activities, copyright and related rights), the Safety and Emergency Plan from a certain number of attendees; Hygiene and Public Health standards; Environmental standards (e.g. waste); Alcohol regulations, Accessibility or Protection of Minors. The debate will include legal experts and professionals who are involved in the various aspects of the sector (either as licensing bodies or as promoters) and who are interested in optimising these processes. In terms of insurance, we will focus on aspects such as the safety of the event and the people who attend it and the role that the different organisations represented on the panel play in this regard.


Sónia Queiróz Vaz (Cuatrecasas - PI & TMT Lawyer)


Ana Sofia Silva (Cuatrecasas - Financial Services and Insurance Lawyer)

Carlos Carmo (Festival MED / Loulé Municipality - Director / City Councilor)

Luís Silveira Botelho (IGAC - Government Inspector)

Luís Lourenço (ASAE - Government Inspector)

Miguel Carretas (Audiogest / WhyPortugal - General Director / Board)


Room 3

10h00 | 11h30

Songwriting e Composição Moderna

Songwriting and Modern Composition

By Pedro Duarte (EMMA Escola de Música Monte Abraão - Director)

14h40 | 15h30

Plano Estratégico de Comunicação e Gestão de Crise para Festivais

Communication and Crisis Management Strategic Plan for Festivals

By Tânia Tadeu (Taylor Young Network Group - General Manager)

16h30 | 17h00
Marketing Para Saber Comunicar Culturalmente com a Geração Z

Marketing Towards Culturally Communicating with Gen-Z

By Carolyn McMurray & Emily Goodier (Word Tonic - Gen-Z Copywriting Community)


Room 5

10h00 | 10h30

Folhas Caídas - A saúde mental, sua falta e promoção, no setor da Cultura

Fallen Leaves - Mental Health, the lack of it and the emotion in the cultural sector

By Isabel Botelho (Psychologist)

10h30 | 11h00
Facilitando a Experiência dos Festivais de Verão: Keep your hands free e os novos “Concierges” para eventos

Making the Summer Festival Experience easier: Keep your hands free and the new event "Concierges"

By Juliana Torres (The Biggest Cloakroom - Director)

11h00 | 11h30
Rock na Vila - edição de 2024. Apresentação oficial

Rock na Vila - 2024 edition. Official Presentation

By Paulo César (President)

12h00 | 12h30
Ti Milha - edição de 2024. Apresentação oficial

Ti Milha - 2024 edition. Official Presentation

By David Gomes (Director)

12h30 | 13h00
FMF – Fundão Music Festival – edição de 2024. Apresentação oficial do regresso do festival

FMF – Fundão Music Festival – 2024 edition. Official Presentation of the festival's return

By André Ladeira (Director)

14h30 | 15h00
Beware! Comunicar e vender através de Newsletters e PR’s em 2024

Beware! Communicating and selling through Newsletters and PR's in 2024

By Mihai Antonosciuc (CEO)

15h00 | 15h30
Pedras Sounds – edição de 2024. Apresentação oficial

Pedras Sounds – 2024 edition. Official Presentation

By Luís Pereira (Co-Founder)

15h30 | 16h00
Como adaptar os vínculos laborais às especificidades da área cultural?

How to adapt the employment relationship to the  specifics of the cultural area

By Pedro Gonçalves Fernandes (ACT - Labour Inspector)

16h30 | 17h00

Festival Internacional dos Açores – o seu impacto na coesão territorial e na promoção das diversas expressões artísticas

Festival Internacional dos Açores - its impact in territorial cohesion and the promotion of various artistic expression

By Tiago Nunes (Director)

17h00 | 17h30
A Palavra, "O Som & a Sílaba": As Indústrias Culturais e a emergência de novos sentidos

The Word, "The Sound & the Syllabe": Cultural Industries and the emergence of new senses

By Maria Joana Pereira ( - Manager)

17h30 | 18h00

Como gerir futuras pandemias em eventos de grande concentração de público?

How to manage future pandemics in events with a high concentration of people?

By Ricardo Mexia (ANSMP – Public Health Doctor)


Room 4

9h45 | 10h15

Eurovision Song Contest – Festival RTP da Canção (abordagens, metodologias, desafios e soluções)

Eurovision Song Contest – Festival RTP da Canção (approaches, methodology, challenges and solutions)

By Sofia Vieira Lopes (Paper, Nova FCSH, 2023)

10h15 | 10h45

Marketing de Influência e Festivais de Música: Eficácia e Perceção do Público em Portugal

Influencer Marketing and Music Festivals: Efficiency and Audience Perception in Portugal

By Regina Barbosa (Thesis, Faculdade Letras – UPorto, 2023)

10h45 | 11h15
A imagem enquanto elemento central para afirmação de identidade de um evento. Análise do caso do Festival Iminente

Image as a central element for the identity affirmation of an event. Iminente Festival Analysis.

By Ivânia Pessoa (Thesis, ISCTE, 2023)

12h00 | 12h30

Uma Biografia em Construção: O festival Vodafone Paredes de Coura

A Biography in the Making: Vodafone Paredes de Coura festival

By Rita Frade Almeida (Thesis, ISCTE, 2022)

12h30 | 13h00

O papel da ética e do green marketing na criação e divulgação de festivais de música

The Role of Ethics and Green Marketing in music festivals ideation and their dissemination

By Margarida Brito (Thesis, IADE, 2023)


Room 4

14h30 | 14h45
CORDAS - Cordas World Music Festival

By Diogo Rola, Terry Costa (15’ | PT | 2022)

14h45 | 15h00

By Diogo Rola, Terry Costa (13’ | PT | 2023)

15h00 | 15h25
O Meu Campinho Dança Assim - Andanças

By Gabi Benedeti, Flávia Costa (25’ | PT | 2023)

15h30 | 15h55

Entrudo Lagarteiro

By Ricardo Pesqueira / Associação Lagarto e Líquen Audiovisual (23' | PT | 2023)

16h30 | 18h20

Um punk chamado Ribas

By Paulo Antunes (107’ | PT | 2019)


Room 6

09h30 | 17h30


By Carlos Mezes (Significado)


Room 1

21h30 | 23h30




09h00 | 20h00

DJ Sets

Brand Activations

Coffee Station (Available during breaks)

Fun Activities
Exhibition: "Heavy Metal: A Love Story"
by Tatiana Pinto


Women in Music Industry Award

18h30 - 20h00

Pop-up bar - Cocktails & Open bar



March 22th - 23h00 | March 23th - 06h00 | Ministerium Club

Curated by the Ministerium Club itself, an unforgettable atmosphere will be created with some of the best national DJs. Let yourself be carried away by the vibrant scenery of the Portuguese capital, in the heart of the city!


Performing artists:






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