The 9th edition of Talkfest - International Music Festivals Forum, which includes the Iberian Festival Awards gala was postponed due to the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and will be held between the 16th and 17th of October, mostly online. Today we announce the new national and international speakers from the Conferences (main section) and the final programme of the Documentaries section.
🇪🇸 Victoria Fenoll (Ass. Tour Manager, Andrea Bocelli)
🇵🇹 Inês Henriques (Host, Vodafone FM)
🇵🇹 António Severino (Vice-president / director, CM Gavião / Beat Fest)
🇵🇹 Diogo Braz (Artistic Director, Carviçais Festival)
🇵🇹 Eduardo Cintra Torres (Opinio Maker / Teacher, Correio da Manhã / UCP)
🇵🇹 Tiago Cortez (Director, Cofina Eventos)
🇵🇹 Tiago Fonseca (Head of Sales & BizDev, See Tickets)
Zé Pedro Rock’n’Roll (110’ - PT, 2019)
Escola do Rock – Paredes de Coura (51’ – PT, 2018)
Pop Dell’Arte – Ainda tenho um sonho ou dois (55’ – PT, 2018)
Blasted Mechanism – New Milita (51’ – PT, 2018)
First Breath After Coma – NU (39’ – PT, 2019)
Wheels of Madness – Sziget Festival (29’ – EN, 2019)
This annual meeting cannot fail to be held and will be adapted to the present and proposing to discuss everything that the area of festivals and events has been forced to review. It has been several months since everything has changed and if from the beginning we set out to discuss “the future” this action is even more urgent today. We want to bring together the industry in Portugal, Spain and all Portuguese-speaking countries with this virtual and online version, with no maximum capacity of participants limitations.
More news will be announced over the next few weeks.
TICKETS AND ACCESS | Talkfest and Iberian Festival Awards
Ticket holders (purchased) for events on the previous date will be invited to receive a new access to the event (in the official app) on this new date. APORFEST members (all modalities) with a valid quota on the days of the events will have free access.
Tickets and access to Talkfest + Concerts (16th) and Iberian Festival Awards (17th) are now available in the Tickets area here.
Be part of it! If you have any ideas, questions or suggestions you can contact us through: Email ( or Phone (+351 217904720).